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Messages - smile4katie

Pages: [1] 2 3
@ KC a rubbery substance should not weigh 50 lbs it makes me wonder if the word rubbery was used because it was maybe bent easily??? So maybe pewter, the texture on the back leads me to believe it is some type of metal

The translation that I gave previously is in French but it most likely is Latin and could very possibly be a Family Crest.

Research the Crown as it is not the same as the royal coat
The "Helm" is what looks to be a scroll and the symbol, these are above the crest
The "Crest" is exactly as the Royal coat except the Fluer de lis Yes it is a symbol of Scotland but it not situated correctly on the crest 
Then there is no "Compartment" which is usually a flower type thing that the Supporters (Lion and Unicorn) would rest on instead they are resting on the Motto ribbon.

With the thought of it being a Family Crest it would take a ton of work to put all of the Elements together to figure out who but I would first start by having the Latin translated which could easily be done at a local College. 

Words that I can tell which is the bottom center and next to it on right
soit qui y pese = "either which is weighed"

I am curious to know whether this is metal or not, if you tap a spoon on the back side what does it sound like?
Does anyone else think that from the back this looks like molded metal??

If it is I would think that having it appraised would be a good way to go.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Heywood-Wakefield
« on: June 02, 2011, 04:04:08 pm »
If it's not worth anything in it's current condition then I'm just keeping it!
So would you think bad of me to poly the hell out of it and put it out in my yard for the seasons :) This thing will make an awesome outdoor "snuggle" sofa!

Antique Questions Forum / Heywood-Wakefield
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:47:08 pm »
Hey guys I just snatched a HW for FREE! I was looking at it for two days for free in front of a house, thinking man that would make a cool lawn sofa. It wasn't until I decided to grab it that I found I now had another HW piece. So I can't find it online anywhere I am hoping one of you knows your stuff with them. Oh forgive the pics it's still in the back of my car!

It's is marked with the logo and also stamped C1462 66 but obviously missing the strapping

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique sled?
« on: June 02, 2011, 11:19:06 am »
Wayward I have a Flexable Flyer Airline Racer 60" in wonderful condition! Had a guy offer me quite a bit for it but I love it. I used to ride it before I had children but I refused to lug that sucker for the kids :) bad mommy!! hee hee To see the teenagers on the hill as I went flying past them was a riot!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antiques? batch of objects...
« on: June 02, 2011, 05:20:32 am »
Ebay is a great gauge for pricing as well as demand. Look at the overall bids and prices on things similar and you will have an idea. All of your items can be found on ebay, they are all vintage, and if in perfect condition would still not be worth more than what you would pay for them new. The Grinder may be the only thing that will get you a few bucks but like I said look at a new grinders price then it takes someone with a thing for old tools to buy it.
Here are the Original Bisell Sweepers much older than the one you have.

This took me less than 5 minutes :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique sled?
« on: June 01, 2011, 08:26:15 pm »
It really wouldn't be worth it to restore it unless it is for a personal reason, money wise you'll spend more than it's worth. But to redo it, make it super cool and use it would be awesome! You'll never go down a hill faster than you will on rails! It's the getting back up the hill that's a B.... :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique sled?
« on: June 01, 2011, 06:10:42 pm »
You have a Kalamazoo Champion Sled vintage 1950-60  I have seen them in nice condition for around $75. This is a fun one to spiff up and use!

One way you can tell an old sled is the back of the rails, they used to be straight until companies realized that they needed to curve around for safety.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Please Help Identify Tea Cups
« on: June 01, 2011, 02:22:03 pm »
Thanks Sapphire I have searched the heck out of that! I have actually been looking for these on and off for 10 years :) Found you guys and figured what the heck!

KC, according to what I found that top name is actually where it was made. The pattern isn't listed as a number like normal. But the one thing I do see, that is hand written, is the 1/1 very curious to me! I never noticed before that it is a transfer (all the brown) then painted in by hand (the flowers).
Anyway here is the link to the mark:

I knew that about the Scherzer piece as well but can not find that pattern anywhere, so I was hoping one of you had seen it.

Thanks bunches

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Please Help Identify Tea Cups
« on: June 01, 2011, 01:20:13 pm »

Antique Questions Forum / Re: McCoy Cookie Pot
« on: May 31, 2011, 12:25:41 pm »
I agree, I have never been a cookie jar fan period but it is neat. Totally not me though! My parents gave it to me and it sits in a box, the poor darn thing hee hee

Antique Questions Forum / Please Help Identify Tea Cups
« on: May 31, 2011, 12:23:36 pm »
OK I have found all of my other pieces, mostly on, which I am curious to know if their prices are reasonable or not.

Anyway I knew I would not find these first two

My favorite! It is VERY delicate and hand painted

Other side

This one is Transferwear and done a bit poorly I might add :) but the pattern is fabulous! No marks what so ever.

These two I know the maker but can not find the patterns.

This is the brown one but I can not find my straight shots :)

Thanks for any help :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: McCoy Cookie Pot
« on: May 31, 2011, 11:49:09 am »
Yes I saw that one and it is correct on dates, that was the first one then in was restyled in 74 and only produced that one year.
Here is a link to those details.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: McCoy Cookie Pot
« on: May 31, 2011, 09:44:24 am »
Sorry I posted the one picture twice fixed it :)

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