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Messages - sdavisgordon

Pages: [1]
Hi, I don't know if you are still researching your horse, but I wanted you to know that I have one of the 5 that were auctioned and I would argue that mine is every bit as beautiful as yours Lol!  ;)  I only had $800 with me the day of the auction. I grew up on those horses, as did my kids. They were all that I was bidding for. Naturally I was devastated when they went for $2800. On the 4th horse, I frantically bid and when it reached $900 I dejectedly dropped out and a gentleman from the audience jumped up and shouted to the auctioneer "o fer crissake cant you see how much she wants one of those horses? Just SELL it to her already". The auctioneer laughed and said "this is an AUCTION...I can't just sell it to her". And then something wonderful happened. Nobody else bid. They all just sat there and the auctioneer pointed his gavel at me and said "Ma'am, this is your lucky day". Everyone started clapping and I and my daughter were jumping up and down. I love my horse, his name is Lucky of course; he has a beautiful oak and brass stand and he gets dressed up every Christmas.
I would love to know where you got a copy of the Arrow book. I'm not worried about Lucky's value. I think he's priceless!

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