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Messages - Inky99

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Antique Questions Forum / Brass (?) and ceramic duck
« on: May 31, 2011, 11:26:26 am »
Hi, I'm new here.   I'm a complete amateur when it comes to antiques, but I love looking for them and Antiques Roadshow is one of my favorite shows.  :)

Rarely do I ever find anything at a garage sale or its equivalent, but I couldn't help picking up this duck a little while back from a fundraiser at a local school.   I got there as they were closing so they were almost giving stuff away.

And this may not be worth anything, but I can't help but wonder, because it looks kinda old to me. 

It's a brass (or copper) and ceramic duck.   It's a little smaller than an American football, and it's lighter than you would think.   It's hollow on the inside.   The ceramic parts look to be hand painted, and that's actually why I picked it up, because the ceramic and the paint look pretty old, although I have no idea how old.

There are no markings or letterings or labels of any kind on it.

I know this is probably nothing to speak of, but I can't help but be really curious about it, and thought I'd see if anybody here knew anything about this!

Thanks in advance.

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