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Messages - Spooled17

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Hey Guys! I took this chair to 3 local antique dealers over the past couple of weeks and none of them knew anything about the chair. All stated it would probably be around 200 years old.  Any ideas on how to get more info??

Well I have seen some chairs like this called "Tribal" so it was just a guess.  The chair has been sitting in an attic for years and im afraid to clean the leather, what is safe to clean this with? Sorry for the blury photos all I have is my phone.  Maybe after cleaning you can see the detail better.  On the back of the chair is a man indian on a horse on the left, with a female indian which looks like she is cooking on the right.  Also on the bottom of the seat (where you sit) is a house with trees all around it. 

Hello! My father grabbed it from my great grandmothers attic 20 years ago.  She passed away before he asked any questions about it.

Some more pics, anyone know anything about this chair? Any help is apreciated!!!!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique handmade Indian Tribal ,
« on: June 04, 2011, 03:32:31 pm »
some more pics

Hello, iv spent a couple hours searching for a chair like this on google and I did not find a thing.  I have a handmade indian tribal chair and im looking for some information.  Looks like its made out of leather, hand carved wood, rope, and a couple small tacks.  The leather looks like it has some pictures burnt into it.  Any help is apreciated!! Thanks

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