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Messages - KiwiHoshi

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Antique Questions Forum / Re: Silver and Ceramic cup
« on: October 05, 2011, 07:01:26 pm »

I just learned about hallmarks for silver (literally like 20 minutes ago) and thought I'd share my bit.  The lion means it's sterling silver, the anchor is the city mark of Birmingham (the location of the assay office), and the letter is the date...but I'm not sure what your letter is, so I can't say the date.

I'm pretty certain your lovely silver overlay piece is Gorham.  (I have the same bookmarked page as sapphire.)  It has to do with the order and shapes, rather than the hallmarks themselves.  I found another site, with the same of similar marks, but different end letters...which they believe to be Gorham as well.  Here's the site: (Scroll down to Gorham.)

If you want to read about hallmarks, check out this site:
And I'm looking at this site about hallmarks to learn more:

So, I bought a really nice bowl the other day.  It was in great condition, and the mark tells me it's by Zeh, Scherzer, & Co.  Made between 1880 and 1910.  I paid $21, so I hope I didn't overpay.  I am wondering who the signature is from, though.  I think it says Croquer or Croquier.  ???

I've added 2 photos.  If anyone wants a photo of the mark, I can post it too.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Furniture with Jasperware (Wedgwood)
« on: October 04, 2011, 06:20:40 pm »
Thanks for your reply, sapphire.  Yeah, I was pretty disappointed that she wouldn't budge on the price.  I sure hope the furniture hadn't been stripped that way...sounds really sad, especially since the furniture was able to make it this long without being destroyed.  As far as the chunk of wood goes, it wasn't any part that would've had was an area where the wood had cracked in the middle and split through...and she never noticed to repair it.  ???  Other parts had cracks or chips, as well.  I honestly think she had no clue, because when I pointed out these problems she seemed surprised.  She then covered and said she'd used it that way for years (slept on the bed, etc.)  I'd be amazed, if she had.  I don't see how she would have been able to open the drawers, and I'd think the bed would have fallen often.  :-\

As far as the jasperware goes, would it be possible to have them remade based on the medallions that are still there?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Orange Carnival Glass Compote/Vase
« on: October 03, 2011, 08:44:41 pm »
I'm not sure, but I wanted to say that's really pretty!  I love carnival glass, especially when you can see a lot of different colors in it.  ;D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Furniture with Jasperware (Wedgwood)
« on: October 03, 2011, 08:39:31 pm »

Sorry, it's been a while since I've posted.  Life caught up with me, lol.

Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that I wasn't able to purchase the set. :'(  Even thought I know the store has had the set for quite some time, the store owner would not budge on the price.  Of course, you could tell from the photos that the hardware was falling off and would need fixed...and some was missing.  I couldn't find the bag with the other jasperware pieces and asked her about it; she claimed the other pieces were never there.  I also discovered that there was more damage to the set (possibly from when they moved it over towards the wall?); it would definitely need glued in places.  I mean, a chunk of the wood for the side table can be pulled off and then, put back in.  Not to mention, the bed frame is coming off from the bottom headboard.

When I pointed out the damage (and to justify why I couldn't afford to pay her asking price), she told me a story and told me that it's normal...she used it for "years" (with all the missing pieces, damage, hardware coming off, etc.); and that wealthy people on the east coast of the u.s. have furniture just like this that they use everyday.  Anyone know if that's true?

So, I decided to forgo it...for now.  I can't pay $1500 for all of that, especially with the damage to repair.  Is it even possible to get replacements for the missing jasperware pieces?  And can you tell if the furniture has been refinished?  She told me it used to be all painted and that she had to strip it...but surely, remnants of the paint would remain in the carved areas? Right?

Thanks for all the help!  ;D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Furniture with Jasperware (Wedgwood)
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:32:06 pm »
Sounds like a great idea!  I never thought about offering cash in that might be a good negotiating tool.  As far as insurance purposes go, what would you value the set?

Could it be a renaissance revival piece?  ???  Do you know the period of the house and style (Victorian, Italianate, etc.)?  If you're unsure, this site has a house styles dictionary that's pretty helpful:

Really cool fireplace!  I love old homes.  :D

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Furniture with Jasperware (Wedgwood)
« on: July 06, 2011, 11:56:38 am »
Thanks for the responses!  It's great to hear some sort of information about these pieces; I've looked online to see if I could find any similar pieces but with no luck.  The only thing I could find is the style may be Marquetry or LouisXIV/LoiusXV.  I've also found that there are furniture pieces with porcelain and brass mounts, but I haven't found any with jasperware.  By the way, do you think the medallions are really jasperware?

You can actually see the price tag on the dresser in that photo.  They are asking about $1500 for the set (6 pieces even though I only counted 5, so I'm not sure where the 6th piece is.  The set has been in the store for a bit; price was originally $1500 and then, they reduced it by 50 cents so it's now actually $1499.50.  lol.)

If you think the price is right, I'll go buy the set.  I really, really like the set and the uniqueness of it; it does need some repair but I think it's fixable.  :-\

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Furniture with Jasperware (Wedgwood)
« on: July 05, 2011, 08:59:33 pm »
Thanks for your reply!  When I asked the store clerk, she was clueless; she couldn't even tell me what kind of wood it is.  :-[  The shop sells mostly clothes, maybe, that's why they have no idea??  I wondered if the furniture was really antique because of the price for the set, so that's why I decided to ask on here.  :)  Maybe, the owners just don't know much about antique furniture??

I really like the furniture set, though.  If possible, I'd like to find out the maker so I can search for other pieces.  By the way, the X marks and the leaves details on the furniture are wood as well.  Do you think they are walnut and just stained light or a different wood?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Furniture with Jasperware (Wedgwood)
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:56:00 pm »
And here are the other photos.  (First is the side table, second is the dresser, and third is a picture of the jasperware on the dresser~sorry, it's not very clear.)  By the way, I just noticed that the japerware picture on the dresser is different from highboy (it's a highboy, right?), so I'm wondering if that's the same for the side table jasperware and the desk jasperware.  But the furniture and jasperware are all the same color and style. :)

Also, the desk and the side table do not have actual fabric on the top.  Both have class with room below that has been filled with cut out squares of fabric to fit the shape.  I don't think the fabric is original...

Any information is appreciated...wheth er it's style, maker, wood, etc.

[If I've made any errors, let me know and I'll edit my posts.]

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Furniture with Jasperware (Wedgwood)
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:34:11 pm »
Okay, I'm back!  I was finally able to sneak some photos. :)  Unfortunately, I was trying to hurry so fast that I forgot to take a photo of the full bed.  (The shop had set items on the bed and furniture, it was difficult regardless.  :-\)  Also, sorry about the photo of the headboard.  The photo didn't come out well, but I decided to post it anyway.  The headboard carving is the same picture as the jasperware, I think.

(First photo is the headboard carving. Second is the desk.  Third is the highboy (?).  Fourth is the jasperware hardware.)

The jasperware looks like it's green and white in my photos, but it's actually blue and white.  The missing pieces were in the furniture drawers.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Lord Tennyson Book
« on: June 06, 2011, 09:54:17 pm »
Okay, thanks for the replies.   :)  I'll see about storing it in a plastic sleeve.  What about a paper envelope (one of those yellow ones)?

I'm pretty sure it's not a first edition Enoch Arden, but I'm not entirely sure...although, I should probably look at it more carefully.  I know it's missing the back least, I'm led to believe so.  The back has text and says, "The End" on the bottom.  lol.  Also, I think the picture on the cover is a picture of Tennyson...which is cool, but slightly strange as well... 

If anyone wants more photos, I can post more.   :)

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique wallpaper
« on: June 06, 2011, 09:43:07 pm »
Is there any easy way to tell if the wallpaper is in fact vintage?  I know that there are wallpaper companies that reprint vintage wallpaper designs and lincrusta wallpaper, etc.  So, how would I know if it's not a reprint/replica?   :-\

Random note:  There are some really cool vintage looking wallpapers out there...even though, they are new.  I came across reusable wallpaper which I want to try (someday).

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique wallpaper
« on: June 05, 2011, 11:50:17 am »
Thanks for the replies!

I just noticed at my local antique store that they have a lot of old wallpaper just lying around (randomly) for sale.  I don't remember the exact prices, but I do remember the rolls weren't expensive.  They had rolls from victorian (or at least, looked victorian) to 50s wallpaper and on.  And the rolls have been there a while.

I really like some victorian prints and thought about buying some to put in my (future) old home...but if it's a big collectors' item, I don't want to take it away from collectors.

Antique Questions Forum / Old Lord Tennyson Book
« on: June 05, 2011, 11:04:07 am »
Okay, here is my first book post.

I bought this old Lord Tennyson book for about $1.50.  It's not in the best condion.  I think it might be missing the cover?  I was wondering how I should store it and if it's okay to touch the pages with my fingers.  Should I wear special gloves?

And...if anyone knows the value, I wouldn't mind knowing that too.  :)

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