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Messages - trsurdapst

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Milan Box Company Ammo Box
« on: June 10, 2011, 12:56:02 pm »
I bought this ammo box and plan to do some repairs and put sealer on it. As I was cleaning it the markings appeared and I began to wonder if it is something I should be concerned about fixing up. It appears to be from 1959 if that is the manufactured date. So I assume it isn't old enough to be of real value, but just being safe.

I found the Milan Box Company online. Founded in 1927, manufactured fruit and produce crates, ammo boxes with the start of WWI and turned to more industrial crates in the 50's. I looked all over online, including ebay and several antique box dealers and came up empty regarding this box. Am interested in any history of the box as I am fixing it up as a gift. Any idea of the value if possible. Thanks so much!

It measures 15.5x13.3x9 inches. Pictures attached.
Had one more of the side, but limited to four pics. Markings on side read: M-327 LOT SGK-1-3

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