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Messages - cjmusic

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this has been a tough one ! i have contacted 7 people now who seem they would know and nothing so far .. i think im just gonna put this over the fireplace or on my bookshelf of all my antiques and tell myself its a beautiful piece of unkown artwork :)

thank you everyone for all the help

i still have not been able to find anything out .. i contacted this guy who i thought would know and this was the email i got back

Your piece is 900/1000 silver fineness and was made in a country of Continental Europe (Italy or a country in East Europe: not Germany, Austria, Russia or France). I believe it was made about 1920.

Sorry but I’m unable to identify the maker.



does this sound accurate to everyone here ? i did see another matchbnox that was the most similiar thing i could find .. but it still was much different and was said to be made in 1893 and was done by the ____ brothers maybe ungas brothers ?

i was thinking that and took about 3.5 hours today looking through thousands of makers marks and silver stamps and did not find anything at all ! only reason i thought maybe would be initials is becuase it seems like if it was the makers mark they would put it on the side with the silver stamp not right on the front of the piece but im sure you are right and it is the makers mark .. does any names come to mind with initials Se ?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Hand Painted Peacock Feather fan
« on: June 12, 2011, 07:53:19 pm »
can you post a picture of this ?

does anyone think that maybe the SE stamp on the front is somones initials who owned it ? i was looking up the initials SE and i found this .. her initials where SE and she was an artist .. what do you all think ?
here is a link

here is a picture of the matches that where in the match case when i got it, The matchbox was pretty beat up and looked to have some black mold on it .. prolly got wet or somthing

can anyone think of what Se stands for ? or sec or cse ? are there any artists with those initials you can think of ?

its so hard not knowing who made this piece

thanks everyone for all the help

I do still have the match box but i put it out in my garage as it seemed to have some black mold on it .. the box was red and said victoria and under it safety matches and the box was heavily damaged

the matches would slide into the piece while still in there match box .. then you would slide out the match box out and pull a match out

i will take pictures tonight when i get home

I noticed that and it really mad me sad and frustrated ! i was looking up the document book and all i kept finding where links to ebay .. just a bunch of people selling them on ebay and there getting good money for them ! i feel thats an insult to sell somthing like that especially to the family

i should put some pics up of the book with the family logs i mentioned .. i really think all of you would really be amazed by it

its a thing that i personally think i will end up selling though or donate or give to someone as its a subject i dont feel comfterble with

yes the marking is se and i though that maybe it could be a backwards C around it but im thing its just the way it got stamped on there .. but who knows .. i am no expert for sure

when i type in on google adam and eve match holder and similar things i keep getting that picture you posted, that one though seems newer maybe as its made of sterling ? well no nevermind thats not right

thank you, i found that one site as i was looking up silver markings. But the name that went with it did not make sense with the marking on the piece ? i have typed in alote of variations of the initials and cant find anything at all that is close to have anything with art / antiques

it would be nice to know what this is as my grandfather spent alote of time in germany during the war so did my father, my grandmother on my moms side was actually in one of the camps so i wonder if there was a reason it was in with the german books ? hmm

thanks mate

no thank you ! i am glad to know i have somthing that is beautiful to someone else besides just me  :) Yes i believe that is Adam and Eve on there with the apple and the snake it looks like .. i also think that around the stone piece might be gold ? im not sure though ..   i found this in the bottom of a box of books .. the box was labeled german books and all the books where written in german. I was amazed after looking through the books as there was a ancestral passport for aryan detection during the time of the Nazi's. The small book is filled with info on family members dating all the way back to 1731 ! every entry is stamped and its very very cool. I think you had to have one of these back then to prove you where who you where and this was how you could get a job and what not

thank you again for your responce , i have been looking everywhere and i cant find a single thing about this item

I recently recieved this item in a box of german books that my grandmother had .. the item i am wondering about is a match holder, there was a box of matches in it when i got buy i took them out. The item has a stamp on the front that says SE in a circle and on the side it has a stamp marked 980 which im guessing means its silver. i really am interested to know what the SE means and how old this item is and the value of it

thank you all in advance

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