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Messages - Sjmeissner

Pages: [1]
Shameless bump :]

If anyone can forward this to someone that might know a-thing-or-two about this - it would be greatly appreciated.

Here are the photos:

Good evening all,

First off I would like to introduce myself as this is my first post. Did some spring cleaning recently when I came across a few very very important items. My grandfather worked with the USAF and was an advisor to Chiang Kai-Shek in Taiwan (do your history research) :). Well when he and his wife would come over for dinner he would always bring my mother instruments that he said were very important to him when he got them in china.

We have quite a few of them and think it's about time to sell them. We really have no idea where to start or how much they would go for. So I decided to come on here and enlist some help of the seasoned veterans to point me in the right direction.

I will be attaching a few pictures and I appreciate the help in advance! ;D

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