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Messages - blakebalie

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Straduarius Violin
« on: January 24, 2006, 08:24:59 pm »
I have a Straduarius,ANNO 1715, Harmony Chicago it also has the number 295 that number looks to be had written but it could be printed also.  This has been in my family since the 1800's I am trying to get some information on it or maybe information on were I can take it to have someone look at it.  It is in it's origanal shape of course it is old and you can tell but it has not been reworked in any way. Please let me know if anyone can help me Thanks a bunch Lisa Please email me @  I know you can not get a value on something without looking at it I just really wanted some info on this Harmoney Chicago or what the label means? I live near Houston Texas Thanks I am aware this is a copy but it is over one hundred years old and has the exact dimions as a origianal, so wouldnt it be worth something? It is also hand made not machine if that helps anyone with it's origin.

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