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Messages - frankie42

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Procelain Oval Shaped Box
« on: June 19, 2011, 01:23:06 pm »
thanks for the info.

Antique Questions Forum / Procelain Oval Shaped Box
« on: June 19, 2011, 01:03:17 am »
have a large porcelain oval shaped box with a lid attached. It is dark navy blue in color. It has a picture of a man and women on the lid, that looks colonial or a little older. looks to be french or italian. It also has flowers on the front of the box set in an oval white back ground, with gold designs accenting the pictures, and around the box it's self. On the inside of the box it has pictures of a flower design.It has a gold clasp  on the front to close the box. There is a mark on the bottom that is a wreath of leaves in a circle design , that is open at the top. At the top it looks like a small flower of some kind to inclose the oval wreath of leaves.There is a leaf stem that goes half way up the wreath in the center.There is an R on one side and an S on the other side. It looks old, but do not know how old. Hopefully you can help me?  Thank you, Shirley H.

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