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Messages - CaryW

Pages: [1]
EBay Forum / Re: Just a little shipping tip for ebay sellers,
« on: June 22, 2011, 11:00:12 am »
I don't have a newspaper subscription but I do grab the free local coupon and newspapers that some cities have. I use these as packing material. I also try to save the bubble wraps and air packs that come with stuff I buy.

EBay Forum / Re: Should I take up sniping?
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:57:58 am »
I manually snipe for lots of items I purchase on ebay. I've never used sniping software and I've never been outbid by sniping software. I don't buy items too often but what I do is when I see an item I want, I'll put it on my watch list and see what happens in the fews days before it ends. I then watch the item for the final ten minutes and see if anyone is pushing the bids up. I don't bid on the item until the final 10 seconds or so. I basically have the bid placed and ready to push the button on one tab and on another tab I have the listing where I update it often so I know the time left. Although I think now, ebay has a live clock update on their listings so you don't have to refresh. I push the bid button around tens seconds or so. Basically I'm trying to place a bid at the very end, so no one else has time to swoop in and beat me. I get much better deals doing it this way as opposed to bidding in the beginning.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Hoosier cabinet
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:47:22 am »
My parents have one of those in their home. They've had it ever since I was born. I don't know if it was in the family or they bought it at an antique shop. There's has the rolling front door over the large opening at the bottom of the cabinet. There's is in pretty good shape but they don't have the metal dispenser in the upper cabinet. You may be able to find another one that isn't in great shape but has the pieces that you are missing and use them for your cabinet.

I think this is to combat the sellers who are making all their profit from the shipping costs and ebay is getting none of the cut. I wonder if a shipping calculator could prevent this although I guess they could always just make the handling charges ridiculously high. I understand what ebay is doing and I don't really see a way of doing this in a better way. Although I guess they could wave the shipping fees if you have a certain star rating or positive feedback.

EBay Forum / Re: Difference in ebay shipping rates,,,
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:18:33 am »
I do agree that it's good if one can hide or remove the shipping price from the label because the buyer could feel they were overcharged and they usually do the feedback right when they receive the item. As far as the difference in shipping, did you put in a handling cost? That's the only thing I could think but I don't think that would cause the problem you have.

EBay Forum / Re: Automatic 5-Star Shipping Rating
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:13:34 am »
I always do free shipping because it seems to attract more buyers. I think I had read that it resulted in a 5-star rating on ebay when listing the item. Usually buyers pay a little more to factor in the shipping versus the same or similar item with fixed shipping.

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