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Messages - doug3667

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Dropshipping!!!
« on: March 28, 2006, 06:07:44 pm »
I posted this in the ebay forum on this site, but i dont think anyone reads i apologize in advance if this is the wrong spot

Okay, So I am new at ebay, and just started selling with ebay, anyways, I ran into a program called dropshipping, which i think is facinating, So i have been doing a lot of online research and have ran into this website that pretty much sums everything up for me

Have any of you heard of this site? If so are they good?
Seems like a really good start for what I want to do.

EBay Forum / Dropshipping!!!
« on: March 28, 2006, 06:06:31 pm »
Okay, So I am new at ebay, and just started selling with ebay, anyways, I ran into a program called dropshipping, which i think is facinating, So i have been doing a lot of online research and have ran into this website that pretty much sums everything up for me

Have any of you heard of this site? If so are they good?
Seems like a really good start for what I want to do.

Pages: [1]