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Messages - MrDpad

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: From Big Texas, Howdy all!
« on: August 15, 2011, 10:46:53 pm »
Hi mart, thanks for the reply! I'm glad to you stopped by my thread and filled me in on my mirror, now that I know more about it I'll start digging into the info I can find on these types of mirrors to get a better idea of just who made it. I'm also gonna get my other thread post here shortly, keep an eye out for it. I've got some turn of the century nick nacks that I'm sure will interest everyone on the board!

Antique Questions Forum / Unknown handmirror from Big Texas, Howdy all!
« on: August 10, 2011, 01:59:45 pm »
Hey everyone I'm Dave, originally from California and now living in Texas. I joined this forum to get some help identifying some items I have and to show off some really nice pieces I own. I'll be making a formal post soon asking for help along with pictures and possible video, just gotta get my lazy butt in gear...

Here is one, actually its the one that's been bugging me the most. Its a mirror with no manufactures markings, its been a pain in the buttocks to track down. The glass looks to be actual glass and not highly polished silver (I wish, hahaha!) The back has a gold print covered in what looks like it might be plastic. Anyone see this mirror before?

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