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Messages - DirtySix

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the help guys. "Meter minder" was the term I was looking for. Think I'll be hanging onto it just because it's such a cool little vintage piece. Lots of intricate etching and stuff along the edges that are hard to make out thanks to poor photos.

Some more detailed pictures.

My mistake, the letters on the dial there only say "PARK O METER" which is the only reason I knew the brand.

Around that, there are numbers arranged like a clock. The smaller inner dial turns and has a hoop so you can select a number, and then the inner knob has a pointer that will do the same, which is why I assume it's meant to mark what time you dropped change in.

The other device is a spring-loaded thing. One side perfectly fits quarters and could probably hold a couple dollars worth of quarters, and the other side looks like it holds nickels or dimes.

As for the size, the keyboard its on is pretty good for judging the size. definitely pocket sized.

Found this digging around today. As far as my powers of deduction can discern, it's a device meant to hold change (quarters and nickles, depending on what said you use) and as a way to keep track of when you park so you don't overstay. Have no idea what it's called/worth. A moderate amount of searching hasn't yielded much since any search for park-o-meter brand stuff has only actual meters and I don't know any sort of technical term for this.

Any help?

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