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Messages - boofweef

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My grandfather bought it for my mom from St. Vincent's thrift store in Milwaukee, WI in approximately 1945.... so the Amish angle could be a real possibility. 

I have spent days searching the internet and still can't find a chair even similar.... everything has either a straight head/back rest thing or its rounded but has spindles.   Nothing even close. 

As far as my tushy getting into it... haha yeah, thats not going to happen... one - it won't fit... and two - I really don't think I could squat that low!! haha!  I'll just have to put it up for the grandkids (which is still a ways off I hope!!)

Thanks again for everyones help :) 

I honestly don't think I could or would sell it. It has a lot of sentimental value and its such a sturdy little chair I think I'll save it for my grandkids someday.... and hopefully keep passing it down.   

(now, if someone offered me millions... I just might take it ;)  haha  )

THanks for your help everyone!

I wasn't able to see any tool marks at all, but I really don't know what I'm looking for.  I have included some close ups of the hardware on that link now.   It is a VERY sturdy little chair.  Very well made.  (sorry for the dust in the pictures :) )

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Antique child sized rocker
« on: August 26, 2011, 08:05:26 am »
Thank you!  That's was what I was thinking as well.  I'm just wondering if this was from a company or if its hand made - I will see what I can do about posting larger pictures. 

I have this rocker that used to be my mothers when she was a little girl (she's now in her 70's) and her father had bought it for her from St. Vincents thrift store for Christmas when she was little... so it was purchased used.   I cannot find any markings on it what so ever.  The chair is in great shape, original finish.  All the original hardware.  I've searched online and I can't find another chair like it anywhere.  I'm interested in finding out its history.. where it might have come from and when (i know it was bought from the thrift store in Milwaukee approximately 1945)...I am VERY green when it comes to antiques so ANY help would be appreciated!!

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