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Messages - Lord-Pein

Pages: [1]
well this is def not cast iron. it feels like copper , and the only paint that was anywhere was the white paint for the eyes and the red tongue .. aside from that there is nothing missing. i looked all over the place to see if i can find one but i could not , this might be a rare one .. all of the other ones i seen with a base ranged from 700 to 3000 usd. so i'm assuming this might be a good one.

more pics.

not sure if anyone has read this but , i believe that the jolly might be produced by george pratas (greece). Anyone know the value of this guy

Antique Questions Forum / Hey All ! help identify these two items for me :)
« on: September 07, 2011, 04:47:33 pm »
first things first hello as i am a new member to this site.. and also new to this hobby. I have a feeling i am going to be on here alot asking all sorts of questions.

anywayyyy ..i have two items which i would love some one to give me some insight on.

The first one is a "jolly nigger bank Pat.Nat, 1977" i've seen a few of these online..but mine looks a little different from the ones that i've seen so far here are some pics:

i'm wondering if this one is unique as opposed to the more common ones , and of what its value might be.

The second item is Brass clock , it functions it ticks..its arrows move ... i'm assuming its french but i can be wrong of course.
Heres a pic :

there is a small inscription on the back i believe it was a gift to some one and the date was 3/5/32 i'm guessing this is 19th century.

Would love somebody to give me some insight on these items, would be great. Thanks guys !!

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