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Messages - iknowlittle

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / and another question re silver (?) measuring cups
« on: September 11, 2011, 04:18:59 am »
We have this set of 4 measuring cups.....or that is what they seem to be. They sit inside each other like Russian dolls and are wrapped together in a brown leather pouch. Unfortunately the hallmarks are really hard to read.
Can anyone help me find out more about them from the following pictures? Unfortyunately the markings are faint, it isn't just bad photography!
Thanks in advance!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: help with silver hallmarking
« on: September 11, 2011, 04:10:42 am »
and .....

Antique Questions Forum / help with silver hallmarking
« on: September 11, 2011, 04:09:23 am »
Hi  :)

we have a set of silver spoons. The hallmark is WHM, then an anchor, then the lion then an R. We think we have figured out WHM may be WH Miller of Birmingham, anchor of Birmingham too, the lion as standard but we are puzzled as to meaning of R.
Any ideas?
I will try to upload picture

Antique Questions Forum / Re: ave gratia anno domini 1503 bronze (?)platter
« on: September 10, 2011, 11:31:30 am »

I wouldn't say it is particularly heavy for it's size. You would be able to hold it with one hand without much discomfort.


Antique Questions Forum / Re: ave gratia anno domini 1503 bronze (?)platter
« on: September 10, 2011, 08:54:14 am »

Antique Questions Forum / Re: ave gratia anno domini 1503 bronze (?)platter
« on: September 10, 2011, 08:50:50 am »

Antique Questions Forum / ave gratia anno domini 1503 bronze (?)platter
« on: September 10, 2011, 08:43:34 am »

I am afraid I know nothing about antiques except that they are old! Sorry! My hubs and I inherited some items and sold smaller ones that just looked like old rubbish on E Bay. A fellow E Bayer contacted me to say I had undersold myself and I should really get things valued first. I was quite happy to make £26!
Anyway, we have a couple of things that I thought I should check out. One is a platter with the latin statement as above "Ave gratia 1503 anno domini" I looked up on the net to see what I could find and all I could find was a bonafide 1503 bronze alms platter. It was an old post from another site but the personreplying seemed quite excited by it. To me it looks like a brass plate that an old person would hang on their wall along with their horse brasses and shoes etc!
If anyone can shed light for me I would be very grateful.
I have photos but I can't figure out how to post. Do I have to post them online first then put a link to here?

Iknowlittle :-)

Pages: [1]