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Messages - Jpchennet

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old dagger - looking for info
« on: September 13, 2011, 03:10:18 am »
Hi ,

Thanks for the responses, no other markings except what you see in the photos. Carvings on the blade are not straight and look hand made.
I immediately thought it might be roman because of the metal butt above the handle - but I am no expert.

Any thoughts about how to guesstimate age or anything further?


Antique Questions Forum / Old dagger - looking for info
« on: September 12, 2011, 02:45:39 pm »
Hi All,

I had a quick look through the forums but unfortunately didnt find anything specific enough to help me.

I just bought this dagger in the UK over the weekend and am hoping someone may be able to help me learn a little more about it. I have uploaded two photos in the hope it will make things easier.

  • The handle and sheath are both leather with a detailed weave around the handle.
    At either end of the sheath is what looks to be snake skin
    There are basic lines calved into the blade, but nothing descriptive, none of the lines are even.
    The total length of the dagger is about 25-30cm
    The triangular shaped piece at the handle end of the blade is made from metal.

I would love to find out any information possible - please don't hesitate to ask if there are any questions.

Thanks in advance


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