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Messages - srchn4trezr

Pages: [1] 2
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Looking for info on perfume bottles
« on: December 13, 2011, 05:54:47 am »
That's wonderful news!  I have to admit I only paid $35.00 for the Czech bottle and it was in a box with other glassware items (a Belleek creamer and sugar, a small cut glass celery dish, and a cut glass salt & pepper set), so I was really happy, but now that I know the value, I'm ready for more shopping!  My daughter & I are equally appreciative of the info.  I came up a blank on hers too!  Sometimes you just can't find the right links and this forum has been an excellent source.  Thanks to all for your help, especially Wendy!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Looking for info on perfume bottles
« on: December 09, 2011, 04:33:05 pm »
Took some more with candlelight, trying to get the detail.  Not the best, but can see more than with regular lighting.  Hopefully this helps.

Antique Questions Forum / Looking for info on perfume bottles
« on: December 09, 2011, 03:02:12 pm »
Hoping there's an expert on perfume bottles out there.  I recently purchased one at an estate sale that had an interesting dauber.  Bottle is 4" tall with a waffle pattern, 3 5/8" wide and the dauber is 3 1/2" long.  It has no markings, but interesting none the less.  I am also including photos of a bottle that was given to my daughter (handed down by her grandmother who inherited it from a woman age 84 at the time of her death).  This one is 6" tall including the circular stopper, very heavy for it's size, 4 3/4" wide.  This has no markings either.  Would appreciate any info available as I have come up with nothing as of yet.  Thanks!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: can no longer see pictures
« on: December 04, 2011, 05:58:20 pm »
Me too with the red x thingy!  I also tried to post and at first, it told me it couldn't find the path to my photos, when I tried again, it told me that I had already submitted the post.  But the post does not show.  Any ideas?

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Baccarat Identification
« on: October 31, 2011, 07:23:35 pm »
Last one!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Baccarat Identification
« on: October 31, 2011, 07:22:37 pm »
I forgot to say that the first decanter in question has a design similar to the Harcourt that Baccarat has had in production for 170 years (hard to see in photos), so I am really intriqued.  Here's the rest of the pics.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Baccarat Identification
« on: October 31, 2011, 07:18:01 pm »
Sorry it took so long, had to employ my husband's help.  Clear glass is so hard to get good pics.  So, the decanter in question will be the first 3 pics.  It is 11 1/2" tall and marked with the #34 on the bottom of the stopper and around the rim of the bottle.

I have also included a perfume bottle that I have confirmed Baccarat due to markings and history.  It is 2 1/2" tall and held the perume "Bellodgia".  These would be shown in the next 3 pics.  Bottle is marked with #26.

The final 3 pics are of another decanter that I have had for a while now.  Had no luck with identification, so I just put it on a shelf.  Got to looking at it this morning and noticed numbers on the bottom of the stopper as well as the rim of the bottle.  The numbers don't match as in the other two.  Stopper is marked with  #885 and bottle is marked with #4.

All I have been able to find out is that Baccarat did not mark with their name until around 1936 beginning with labels and them progressed to etching.  So, I'd really be interested in finding a way to date these with the numbers.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Antique Questions Forum / Baccarat Identification
« on: October 30, 2011, 04:55:34 pm »
Hi everyone,

Purchased an older decanter today that I believe to Baccarat.  Has the number 34 on both the bottom of the stopper and the decanter.  Has anyone come across a good reference to the numbering system that they used before marking with the Baccarat name?

Also, it has a bit of mineral buildup on the very bottom inside.  I have read that a combination of dishwashing detergent, rice, and water will do the trick, but am hesitant to try since I am not familiar with the outcome.  I'd appreciate any comments.


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Victorian Scent Bottle
« on: October 21, 2011, 05:47:50 am »
Hey everyone.  Beautiful bottle, I love it and would not polish it either.  I noticed that someone mentioned having tarnished silver.  I have found the easiest way, not labor intensive at all, way to take care of this.  It sounds crazy, but works like magic.  Line a pot or dish with tin foil.  Spread a fair amount of baking soda on top of the tin foil, then pour on hot water ( I usually let the water almost boil in a different pot ).  Just put your silver in and wait.  Then, just rinse and dry.  The baking soda reacts with the tin foil and cleans like I've never seen before.  I did this on an entire tea set with no rough polishing.  Just so you know, as it cleans, it gives off a stinky odor, but definitely worth it!

Thanks KC.  I had also read that article as well as others that refer to vaseline glass due to the uranium content.  I wasn't sure if the yellow hue given off from depression glass and older cut glass was also due to uranium or something else.  I have tested some items that I have been able to date such as a Heisey Prince of Wales Plumes Punchbowl and it did fluoresce yellow.  I also tested some newer items and they did not.  I am a believer, just didn't know if there might be something else to consider.  As always, thanks for your help!

Antique Questions Forum / Question regarding black light and cut glass
« on: October 16, 2011, 01:09:20 pm »
Hi everyone!  I've been collecting cut glass for a while now and have recently come across different articles about using a black light to help date it.  Was curious about any opinion of those in this forum since there are some conflicting views online.  Some feel that it is inaccurate because some of the newer czech pieces will still fluoresce.  Would really appreciate any comments. 

On a side note, my husband & I were at an auction this week and he bought me a binder full of "Antique & Collector's Reproduction News" for a quarter.  I couldn't believe that no one bid on them!


Antique Questions Forum / Re: Interesting brooch?!?!
« on: October 10, 2011, 04:54:54 am »
Thanks for the info.  There are no identifying marks anywhere on the piece.  The pin length was interesting.  When I hold it up and look at it straight on, you can just barely see the pin tip extending beyond the brooch and will catch on your finger if you rub across the edge.  You are right about being kept safe.  This gal would cover her clothes with bags from a dry cleaner to keep off dust, so I imagine collectibles and treasures were held vault-syle.  Thanks again!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Interesting brooch?!?!
« on: October 08, 2011, 10:54:12 pm »
No, there is no signature.  Magnet does not stick, so not sure of the metal either, possibly brass? It appears to be painted when viewed in light, but I have an untrained eye.  Closure seems older as well.

Antique Questions Forum / Interesting brooch?!?!
« on: October 08, 2011, 07:48:10 pm »
My mother-in-law received this brooch from an elderly lady that she cared for for many years prior to her passing at age 84.  I haven't come across anything similar as of yet.  It does appear to be painted when looking at it in the daylight.  I noticed some posts relating to jewelry and was hoping to get some input.  I would appreciate any info to pass along.  As always, thanks for taking care of this newbie!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Hand painted Nippon plates
« on: October 07, 2011, 07:47:36 pm »
Thanks fancypants! helped me to date some Nippon and Satsuma that I have. 

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