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Messages - mmn7303

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Can anyone help tell me what these are?
« on: October 05, 2011, 10:01:16 pm »
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the help.

Antique Questions Forum / Can anyone help tell me what these are?
« on: October 05, 2011, 09:02:20 pm »
Hi, I recently picked up some copper pots and kettles from a woman. One of the pieces we go we have no idea what it is. There looks like a matching lid, which doesn't fit. Maybe that was from another piece we never got. Any help would be appreciated.

Also, are copper pots better polished or left with the aged look. The pots we received are in pretty rough shape. They were left out in the rain and who knows what else. We just want to know if it would be a better investment to clean them up or leave as is. Thanks.

Antique Questions Forum / Huge lot of copper kettles, bowls, and pans
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:01:50 pm »
I recently came across a huge lot of copper kettles, pots and bowls. They had been left outside and are in horrible shape. So far I have used Tarn-X and Brasso and they have cleaned up somewhat. There are still some tarnish spots that I cannot not clean out. Do you have any suggestions? I also tried lemon juice and salt and vinegar and salt and they did not work so well. Thanks.

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