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Messages - Nippers

Pages: [1]
Sorry for not getting back sooner than this.  I just got back from a vacation.  Thanks for all of the responses.

Ah!  I was hoping that these were worth a fortune.  Oh well.  I will just have to keep them and use them, and then pass them on to the next generation of my family when the time comes.  Maybe when they get to be 200 years old, they will be worth something!  The amazing thing is that I believe they will still be in good shape at that point because they are so well built.  So solid, and yet the doors work perfectly, and the drawers slide effortlessly.  The glass is so old, it has begun to "run" down, leaving those distinctive signs that only really old pieces of glass have.

Does anyone have any idea of the exact period and the exact origin of these pieces?  I have heard conflicting things from relatives, but the general consensus is that they came from Europe at about the turn of the century-- around 1898?

I have recently inherited some very old wooden furniture which was originally imported from Europe by my great, great grandmother.

It is very well made, very unusual, and even has fully functioning wooden wheels which helped us move it around.

Here are some pictures of it...

How much do you think this is worth?

Current location of this furniture:  Phoenix, Arizona.

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