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Messages - Flubble

Pages: [1]
i got to it again today and took a photo of the back of the clock this time, going a bit green on the back lol

doesn't say anything on it but i did see the stamps on the bottoms clearer, it is a picture of an elephant head with its trunk going over its head with the word "foreign" under it in the circle :)

probably is worthless lol but has been a mystery to us ;D

If you cannot see the back of the clock while it is in the piece...then you can pop it out....what does it say on the clock?  There should be information on it!

lol, that's actually something i didn't look at, got to wait until sunday when i visit family to get to it again to find out, i do know i can see the back of the clock without taking it out.

thankyou both for helping ;D

this mark?

that's the stamp thing thats faded and i can't make out if it ever said anything, the stamp was painted on, but it's a blue glaze.

that stamp looked a bit like a dragon from what i could see on it, but will try and get a better photo of it

[edit] i just made it black/white to show it a bit clearer, sorry i can't get another photo until sunday.

i don't think it's painted, to me it doesn't look like paint and it's not flaking off around that chip on the bottom of the vase like i would expect paint to

hi, we have had this blue mantel winding clock and vase set in our recent family for 40 years passed down from older family who we think had it for maybe 30 years and its just been a complete mystery to us of who made it and its value and i've come here hoping somebody might be able to help us find out :) the clock doesn't work anymore and i think it used to have a cover on the clock face.

here are some pictures, there are stamps on the bottoms but they are very faded and i couldn't make anything out on them but am hoping the numbers might mean something to somebody, you can click the pictures for bigger pictures.

the set

the clock face

the numbers 856.6 on the vases

the numbers 856.11 on the clock

Thankyou so very much to anyone who can help :)

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