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Messages - bjcmack

Pages: [1]
 :) Thanks to all for reponding- I did check later for the EBay forum for the answer and  I do believe it is a fireplace accessary -the telescoping end has no attachment so i couldn't show it but it has screw ending that a brush,poker or fork could easily be attached and the ring could hold it on the wall next to teh fireplace-thanks again to all-Jack


Hi, I  am writing to you  and asking ,  who might be able to answer my inquiry.

These pictures represent a brass casting of The Old Curiousity Shop created by Charles Dickens in that book. It is very detailed and on the front engraved is the words  "The Old Curiosity Shop",  "1837" " Portsmouth St Lincoln's Inn Fields" and on the back are several numbers and words   "Rd. applied for"   "16379".  The whole casting is about 2"X3" with a telescoping tube attached to it by screw threads. the lower, second section, each about 10" long, has another screw thread  that is missing an attachment. On the back is a 1/2 " loop possibly for hanging it on a wall or otherwhere. I would love to know what it is.Thanks

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