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Messages - utimmer43

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Antique Questions Forum / OLD Armstrong Furnace
« on: November 05, 2011, 09:27:29 pm »
Hello all,

I have an old oil furnace marked "Armstrong Furnace Co. Columbus Ohio" on the door.  This thing is quite large and I imagine extremely heavy.  This furnace sits out in my garage (underneath the stairs) and I haven't used it more than once or twice in the 8 years I have lived here.  I recently started cleaning out my garage and making a scrap metal pile, and thought about just scrapping this furnace.  But then I thought maybe it's worth more than it's weight in scrap.  And so, here I am.

Can anyone tell me anything about it based on the pics? (how old, what it might be worth)  I was kinda limited in the angle I was able to take pictures due to the location of the furnace (again, under the stairs) and the fact that I just stacked a bunch of furniture up against the open end of the staircase.  I did flip the switch on and it fired right up, but I didn't want to let it run very long with all the stuff stacked around it.

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