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Messages - ijimenez

Pages: [1]

Sorry but there is no more information. Only says:

H. Morin 3 Rue Boursault, Paris

without any number or code. I could add more pics if you so wish.

The instrument is 19 inches long (49 cm).

I doubt this instrument is for wind measurement or an anemometer. The propeller is too small and would not rotate.



I have been trying to find out any reference to this strange instrument. I have searched the internet without success.
I can only assume that the purpose of this instrument is for water current meter or flow measurement but I am nor sure.
As you can see in the pics, it has a propeller connected to two dials. By pulling the cord, the propeller is connected/disconnected to the gears which record the revolutions.

The instrument is signed: H. Morin 3 Rue Boursault, Paris.

I am aware that H. Morin is a well known French brand for antique surveying instruments and engineering instruments but I couldn’t find nothing like the one I have.
I would appreciate any help or reference to identify this instrument and also any price appraisal you may have.


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