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Messages - psychohellbilly666

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: ID license plates
« on: January 27, 2012, 07:32:11 pm »
more pics

Antique Questions Forum / ID license plates
« on: January 27, 2012, 07:29:16 pm »
Can anyone offer some assistance in id'ng what type of plates these are?  I am preparing to sell some items and am lost as to what type they are.

Antique Questions Forum / Needing info on toy horseshoes
« on: January 06, 2012, 11:40:06 pm »
I am needing some info on some toy horseshoes I have.  I have searched onling for answers and cant find any info.  I had these when I was a kid.  So probably around 1980's for production.  They are stamped MADE IN USA.  I am unsure on what material they are except for a metal.  They also have BB inside a circle also.  I thought possibly they are Buffalo Bill but cant say for sure.  It was originally 4 horseshoes but I have misplaced one of he coppe colored ones.  Any info would be greatly appreciated as far as origin and value.

Unsure what the Stainless by Bonny items is, possibly a tongue scrapper.  Features the Walt Disney character Bambi.

The second is an old mechanical cork bottle topper.

Needing approximate value of a first edition of Won in the Ninth book by Christy Matthewson i what I'd consider good to very good condition.  Published in 1910.  Does have the name of a previous owner on the inside cover.  Thanks in advance for any help.

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