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Messages - snip

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Antique Questions Forum / 1880 photographer's proof book
« on: October 22, 2006, 10:58:26 pm »
Hello, I am new to this site.
Any info or suggestions anyone could give me on finding an approx. value on this book would be so appreciated. Or even the recommendation of the type of appraiser that we would need to find.
This is a large thick book of the Princeton College faculty and class of 1880.
On the cover is the inscription:  Princeton College  Class of '80  William Miller Jr.  
G W Patch is the photographer.  The following address is printed on the back of each photograph.
No. 841 Broadway  Cor 13th St  New York  Branches at Harvard and Yale  Poughkeepsie West Point Long Branch and Ocean Grove
 It is hard bound in good condition and has metal clasps that hold it closed.  It has the portraits mounted inside thick pages. No names are written but threre are photo #s on the backs of each portriat. In the back there are some misc photos of groups as would be found in today's school yearbooks. There are also several photos of the campus and buildings.
This book was found in the eaves of my friends house. It is very interesting.  Could it be worth enough that she should be storing it in a safer manner?  Many people have been looking through it.

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