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Messages - noob1

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Need advice on proper repair for old desk
« on: December 03, 2011, 04:12:47 pm »
Hello everyone!

I recently purchased a desk built by the Gunn Furniture Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1921. It's in decent shape for the most part, with the exception of the linoleum top that's slightly cracked. More significantly, though, there's a possibility that the linoleum may have asbestos in its adhesive. I bought the desk for its character, so I don't have any interest in selling it for now, but I certainly don't want to diminish its resale value. I've done some googling and it doesn't seem that furniture from this company is particularly rare or sought after, despite it being around a century old.

I've talked to a couple furniture repair places about replacing the top and the two recommendations were to replace the linoleum with a wooden veneer or to cover it with a glass top. The glass top option is cheaper and preserves the original nature of the desk better, but I'm worried that I may still be at risk from the asbestos.

If anyone here could offer me advice or guide me to resources that might be of help I'd greatly appreciate it! And of course, if any additional information is necessary to get a better idea, then I'd be glad to answer any questions.


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