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Messages - Athenry

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Please help with reading a signature!
« on: May 15, 2012, 11:04:26 am »
When I looked at this earlier I had written Overbrook or H. Overbrook more correctly but looking again I think it is Overbeck !!  Try H. Overbeck and see what you can find !!

There is an H. Overbeck painter, but I believe it's a different one:

Antique Questions Forum / Old coal iron.
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:50:19 pm »
This is an old coal iron my mother was just given. For some reason the lock to open the lid is a rooster, I see that a lot, anyone know why it's a rooster?

It has no markings on it, it came with a really nice stand. Does anyone have any information on it? I was thinking Germany ~WWI but I'm not sure.

Antique Questions Forum / Wooden totem?
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:49:46 pm »
This is a wooden totem I was just given. Looks slightly Hawaiian to me, but I have no idea about this kind of thing.

It shows a woman, pushing her breasts, standing above a bird or gryphon. It has no markings.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Location in Berlin?
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:33:52 pm »
For some reason it didn't show the full-sized image:

Antique Questions Forum / Vietnam war dog tags and lighter?
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:32:53 pm »
When I was in Ho Chi Minh city there were a lot of people selling dog tags and Zippo lighters. I tried to find the most legitimate ones, and ended up with these.

I believe I've verified the lighter as a real Zippo from 1968, these photos don't show any of the stamps, but if anyone knows anything about it's legitimacy it would be nice to know. The case looks like fire damage, I accidentally rubbed a little of the patina off, well, it just faded a little on the lid. The inside part, the actual lighter, looks like a replacement. So I was thinking maybe it was burnt out and just the case is legit, I'm not sure though.

The dog tags are interesting. The first is from a US Marine. The second is a Vietnamese name, and the location mentions Lien Thanh, an area in North Vietnam. I was under the impression that the North Vietnamese Army didn't have dog tags. So maybe it was a NV that joined the South forces? I'm not really sure, any information would be great.

Since I have the American man's name and military service number, is there any way for me to look up his records?

Antique Questions Forum / Location in Berlin?
« on: May 13, 2012, 11:28:00 pm »
I bought this photo from a person who claimed they bought it from old Soviet soldier who said it is a German Panzer tank, the photo was taken at Berlin when they captured it.

I've looked into it and it's definitely a real photograph from that time.

I know it's very, very far-fetched. But can anyone identify any of the buildings? Is it really Berlin?

Antique Questions Forum / Atkins Clock c. 1860
« on: December 07, 2011, 10:30:28 pm »
This clock was my great grandfather's. It's made by Atkins Clock Co. and after a bit of research this is what I've found out.

Judging from the paper on the inside (it changed every five years or so) I'm guessing it's from 1867-1874. Another guess is that it's either the 'Venetian' or 'Victor no. 3' style of clock. The wooden embellishments around the edge are unbroken in all the other styles. It's missing the face and it looks like the glass windows were replaced at one stage (I think around 1904, because the stamp of a jeweler from that period is on the back).

I'm definitely no expert, but doing a bit of research on wood grain I think it may be mahogany or rosewood.

Antique Questions Forum / Pocket Watch
« on: December 07, 2011, 09:04:25 pm »
This pocket watch was my great grandfather's, I believe he bought it before WWI, but he might have bought it when he was in France fighting or when he got back.

There aren't many identifying markers. Only 'Swiss Made' stamped on the inside. The number '22' on the inside of the casing, and the number '58830' below that. The thing that I love is that the inside is engraved with intricate patterns, arrows and stars mainly.

Here are some photos:

Any information would be great, thanks.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Old Pipes
« on: December 07, 2011, 08:56:39 pm »
You guys are amazing, thank you so much. It always bugs me when an antique doesn't have any markings on it, or just the vaguest of markings. They're always so hard for me to identify.

Antique Questions Forum / Old Pipes
« on: December 07, 2011, 12:27:54 pm »
I received four old pipes a while ago, two are standard, completely unmarked pipes. So It'll be hard to find anything on them. But two others have markings.

Hopefully the first one will be easy, it's a Falcon Pipe, stamped with 'Made in England' and 'FD11' all I want to know is the range of years it would have been made if that's possible.

This is what it looks like:

The second one might be a bit trickier. It's a wooden pipe, a face carved on the front (looks like Native American) stamped 'Bruyere Garantie', I believe that means 'Briar Guaranteed' and that it's from the pipemakers of Saint Claude, France. I would like to know a little about this pipe, but mainly the year it was made and the maker if possible. Here are some photos:

I've seen one pipe very similar to this on the internet, I'm guessing they're made by the same craftsman, perhaps in the same series. Sadly it didn't have much information about it.

Anything you can tell me will be of great help.

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