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Messages - CoinHELP

Pages: [1]
EBay Forum / Re: Don't buy coin rolls with "salted" end coins
« on: December 10, 2011, 03:07:21 pm »
Yes, that's another good point when buying coin lots.

EBay Forum / Don't buy coin rolls with "salted" end coins
« on: December 10, 2011, 02:31:18 pm »
I am sure many of you have seen them at ebay, rolls with an obsolete, old, silver or possibly a rare coin on the end. These rolls are touted as being "bank" wrapped and the description and title imply that there might be a rare and valuable coin in the roll or at the end.

Please don't fall for this ruse, most of the coins in these rolls are common and not worth much more than face value. I have seen these rolls sell for much more than they're worth, just because bidders bid for the chance to get a valuable coin for a lot less than book value.

I have been selling at ebay since 2002 and dealing in coins all my life, and searched thousands of coin rolls, from collections and banks. So, I know the chances of finding valuable coins in rolls is very slim.

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