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Messages - vroomp

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Unknown Halltree
« on: December 17, 2011, 08:08:03 am »
Thanks folks! I actually added the light but, it comes off easily leaving only one hole in he back. Think I'll put it on Craigslist for $150 and see what happens.

Antique Questions Forum / Unknown Halltree
« on: December 11, 2011, 11:05:42 am »
I have searched several books and website for sale items that match but, have been unable to locate a similar hall tree. I am redecorating in a more modern style and no longer need any antiques so I would like to sell this one. I was told by the previous owner that was over 100 years old when I got it in trade back in 1990. All the screws are flat head brass on the back and appear to be of the period. The wood is oak and the hooks are cast iron. The umbrella pans are galvanized tin and the center section is a glove box with a hinged lid. There are no markings or labels on this piece and I was wondering what would be a good asking price for such an item. Any ideas?

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