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Messages - Lindaleelovesantiques

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / lane cedar chest
« on: December 04, 2006, 04:25:41 pm »
HI I too am new. I can't tell you what it's worth. My dad painted ours from the same year that was my mothers battleship gray he painted everything he was allowed that color ( he was a Marine ) after we grew up and took oiff the lid and his grandchild had the biggest toy box in town and loved it.Yours may be worth something log onto na site that will give you a free apprassil or look up one on a furniture store inside a place like e bay or any of them and browse like you're shopping put it in the search box and see what they're going for. You can find values all over the web by browsing antique furniture sites. If you go to google and put in antiques in their search box they'll find about a million sites you can 'Window' Shop' look at the items and prices but you ndon't have to buy. As for the bottom go to Lowes or Home Depot or some lumber place and buy a good piece of cedar wood to replace it or use veneer over pine if the vsolid cedar is too much. Find out the value first and the price to replace the bottom. As an antique when there is a piece replaced it usually isn't worth very much but sopmeone may still not bc care that only the bottom was replaced.If the sentimental value means more and it was a gift spend all out and get solid cedar.I was given my husbands 1921 Lane Cedar Chest wilh original sales reciept and lifetime quaranteed papers. I Keep all my pretty sweaters in there. Hope I helped. hope someone goes back about three weeks and helps me with my question.I have found out some things about mine elsewhere though. I have a well known china company anxious for pictures Plates are 9 IN. and were made prior to world war one but in 1920 when the bohemia pottery remade the orchid iris pattern it was a 10" and a 10 1/2" Prior to the war they were 10" The pottery has not made a 9 inch dinner plate or any plate that size far back to the beginning of last century and the curator is still not sure that they could go back further.We will keep one auction one off and donate one  back to the country it came from.Hubby says no but I think it is the right thing to do don't all of you? They belong to him so I think if we had a voting post that was positive to show him it might work.  

Antique Questions Forum / Is it real?
« on: November 28, 2006, 05:15:44 am »
I hope they quit making bullets for your gun! I'm no gun expert but I would like to get in on the quessing game.It looks like an old sawed off rifle/shotgun. I think it looks like the ones in old westerns or gangsters flicks.I don't know that much about guns except I hate them but..... I did get straight A's in English and I make typo errors all the time.I stutter on the keyboard alot.I have to tell you that there is no such word as tooken. . You TOOK pictures of your gun.No en at the end. Just teasing you. Don't come looking for me with your gangster gun!!! Enjoy it, just don't buy any bullets.Lindalee    

Antique Questions Forum / how to tell if real brass
« on: November 25, 2006, 11:28:51 pm »
I sent him a e-mail to share with all about brass how to tell if it is and a cheap way to clean it and copper silver gold Lindalee

Antique Questions Forum / Made in U.S.A. Limoges
« on: November 16, 2006, 11:56:33 pm »
sorry I get frustrated because if there is no pattern number or mark they say sent a picture and they'll try to help you if they can. I have a beautiul set from  marked EMAUX DE LIMOGES PORCALAINE FABRIQUE (signed by the french artist from the last century A. Mehun. It has a different bird on each plate holding a branch of differnt trees and bushes. All done in 22kt. gold filigree and heavy around rims. I am sending pictures to them. I can't find much on the net. Replacements are really excited about 3 plates I found at the Goodwill thrift I almost dropped them when I read the backs. They want pictures and their curator will trace them because they are historical and they want to have first offer on n quote to buy. They are in almost mint condition for their age.They are marked BOHEMIA CZECHO-SLOWAKIA Bohemia was a city in Czecho-Slowakia Czecho and Slowakia were two countries and spelled in German After WWI Bohemia became part of Austria and the two countries were combined into one and spelled Czechoslovakia. My husbands grandmother's birth certificate is spelled Czecho-Slowakia. China was not made during the war and the curator says they are very old. My husband is the history buff and says no way are we selling. We'll see.....I collect odd pieces to sell just for fun as I am disabled with Parkinson and I have fun doing it. Try a picture and the curator will help. You must have a rare set so it's worth pursuing. Maybe w'll both be rich!!! Lindalee      

Antique Questions Forum / Made in U.S.A. Limoges
« on: November 16, 2006, 08:29:16 pm »
Go to www.replacemernts.c om They will give you all the information and value free. Lindaleelovesantiqu s

Antique Questions Forum / Made in U.S.A. Limoges
« on: November 16, 2006, 08:28:14 pm »
Go to www.replacemernts.c om They will give you all the information and value free. Lindaleelovesantiqu s

Antique Questions Forum / Made in U.S.A. Limoges
« on: November 16, 2006, 08:27:29 pm »
Go to www.replacemernts.c om They will give you all the information and value free. Lindaleelovesantiqu s

Antique Questions Forum / dinnersplates prior to WWI need pattern name
« on: November 14, 2006, 08:02:58 am »
I have dinnerplates marked with the old way of spelling Czechoslovakia and Bohemia. Prior to WWI Czechoslovakia was spelled Czecho-Slowakia ( It's spelled like that on my husbands Grandmothers birth certificate. She said it was changed after the war and Bohemia became part of Austria. So these plates are probably from the last century. They are in good condition only have scratch marks where knives were used to cut meat.I have a curato working on them but I'm anxious to know more like the time era, pattern, value doesn't matter the curator will do that. The plates are pretty with orchid/purple colored large Iris's all over except center. Backs say BOHEMIA and below CZECHO-SLAWAKIA.I have several pieces of jewelery marked the same except for the bohemia. If anyone can identify pattern I would appreciate it. I got into this site because someone posted on the sites listed for antiques about china marked CZECHO-SLOWAKIA and maybe this will help them to know the history of the change in spelling. On old maps it's spelled like that. She has some antique  valuble pieces and should submit to m and they will have a curator delve into the past. It takes awhile. Replacements LTD is one of the best and biggest ,over 200.00o patterns china replacement companies, they give free apppraisals and will l buy from people to sell to others. I promised them the right to purchase my plates if I sell because they'bve been so good to me helping me identify and place value on alot of china that came from storage units when fees weren't paid for 5 years.I've sold some to them and they give fair prices not entire value they have to make profit as deaker.I won't sell on E-bay they pay better. hope I helped the person with the rare pieces...Lindalee E-mail replies

Antique Questions Forum / dinnersplates prior to WWI need pattern name
« on: November 14, 2006, 08:00:25 am »
I have dinnerplates marked with the old way of spelling Czechoslovakia and Bohemia. Prior to WWI Czechoslovakia was spelled Czecho-Slowakia ( It's spelled like that on my husbands Grandmothers birth certificate. She said it was changed after the war and Bohemia became part of Austria. So these plates are probably from the last century. They are in good condition only have scratch marks where knives were used to cut meat.I have a curato working on them but I'm anxious to know more like the time era, pattern, value doesn't matter the curator will do that. The plates are pretty with orchid/purple colored large Iris's all over except center. Backs say BOHEMIA and below CZECHO-SLAWAKIA.I have several pieces of jewelery marked the same except for the bohemia. If anyone can identify pattern I would appreciate it. I got into this site because someone posted on the sites listed for antiques about china marked CZECHO-SLOWAKIA and maybe this will help them to know the history of the change in spelling. On old maps it's spelled like that. She has some antique  valuble pieces and should submit to m and they will have a curator delve into the past. It takes awhile. Replacements LTD is one of the best and biggest ,over 200.00o patterns china replacement companies, they give free apppraisals and will l buy from people to sell to others. I promised them the right to purchase my plates if I sell because they'bve been so good to me helping me identify and place value on alot of china that came from storage units when fees weren't paid for 5 years.I've sold some to them and they give fair prices not entire value they have to make profit as deaker.I won't sell on E-bay they pay better. hope I helped the person with the rare pieces...Lindalee E-mail replies

Antique Questions Forum / dinnersplates prior to WWI need pattern name
« on: November 14, 2006, 07:57:44 am »
I have dinnerplates marked with the old way of spelling Czechoslovakia and Bohemia. Prior to WWI Czechoslovakia was spelled Czecho-Slowakia ( It's spelled like that on my husbands Grandmothers birth certificate. She said it was changed after the war and Bohemia became part of Austria. So these plates are probably from the last century. They are in good condition only have scratch marks where knives were used to cut meat.I have a curato working on them but I'm anxious to know more like the time era, pattern, value doesn't matter the curator will do that. The plates are pretty with orchid/purple colored large Iris's all over except center. Backs say BOHEMIA and below CZECHO-SLAWAKIA.I have several pieces of jewelery marked the same except for the bohemia. If anyone can identify pattern I would appreciate it. I got into this site because someone posted on the sites listed for antiques about china marked CZECHO-SLOWAKIA and maybe this will help them to know the history of the change in spelling. On old maps it's spelled like that. She has some antique  valuble pieces and should submit to m and they will have a curator delve into the past. It takes awhile. Replacements LTD is one of the best and biggest ,over 200.00o patterns china replacement companies, they give free apppraisals and will l buy from people to sell to others. I promised them the right to purchase my plates if I sell because they'bve been so good to me helping me identify and place value on alot of china that came from storage units when fees weren't paid for 5 years.I've sold some to them and they give fair prices not entire value they have to make profit as deaker.I won't sell on E-bay they pay better. hope I helped the person with the rare pieces...Lindalee E-mail replies

Antique Questions Forum / dinnersplates prior to WWI need pattern name
« on: November 14, 2006, 07:53:46 am »
I have dinnerplates marked with the old way of spelling Czechoslovakia and Bohemia. Prior to WWI Czechoslovakia was spelled Czecho-Slowakia ( It's spelled like that on my husbands Grandmothers birth certificate. She said it was changed after the war and Bohemia became part of Austria. So these plates are probably from the last century. They are in good condition only have scratch marks where knives were used to cut meat.I have a curato working on them but I'm anxious to know more like the time era, pattern, value doesn't matter the curator will do that. The plates are pretty with orchid/purple colored large Iris's all over except center. Backs say BOHEMIA and below CZECHO-SLAWAKIA.I have several pieces of jewelery marked the same except for the bohemia. If anyone can identify pattern I would appreciate it. I got into this site because someone posted on the sites listed for antiques about china marked CZECHO-SLOWAKIA and maybe this will help them to know the history of the change in spelling. On old maps it's spelled like that. She has some antique  valuble pieces and should submit to m and they will have a curator delve into the past. It takes awhile. Replacements LTD is one of the best and biggest ,over 200.00o patterns china replacement companies, they give free apppraisals and will l buy from people to sell to others. I promised them the right to purchase my plates if I sell because they'bve been so good to me helping me identify and place value on alot of china that came from storage units when fees weren't paid for 5 years.I've sold some to them and they give fair prices not entire value they have to make profit as deaker.I won't sell on E-bay they pay better. hope I helped the person with the rare pieces...Lindalee E-mail replies

Antique Questions Forum / dinnersplates prior to WWI need pattern name
« on: November 14, 2006, 07:51:54 am »
I have dinnerplates marked with the old way of spelling Czechoslovakia and Bohemia. Prior to WWI Czechoslovakia was spelled Czecho-Slowakia ( It's spelled like that on my husbands Grandmothers birth certificate. She said it was changed after the war and Bohemia became part of Austria. So these plates are probably from the last century. They are in good condition only have scratch marks where knives were used to cut meat.I have a curato working on them but I'm anxious to know more like the time era, pattern, value doesn't matter the curator will do that. The plates are pretty with orchid/purple colored large Iris's all over except center. Backs say BOHEMIA and below CZECHO-SLAWAKIA.I have several pieces of jewelery marked the same except for the bohemia. If anyone can identify pattern I would appreciate it. I got into this site because someone posted on the sites listed for antiques about china marked CZECHO-SLOWAKIA and maybe this will help them to know the history of the change in spelling. On old maps it's spelled like that. She has some antique  valuble pieces and should submit to m and they will have a curator delve into the past. It takes awhile. Replacements LTD is one of the best and biggest ,over 200.00o patterns china replacement companies, they give free apppraisals and will l buy from people to sell to others. I promised them the right to purchase my plates if I sell because they'bve been so good to me helping me identify and place value on alot of china that came from storage units when fees weren't paid for 5 years.I've sold some to them and they give fair prices not entire value they have to make profit as deaker.I won't sell on E-bay they pay better. hope I helped the person with the rare pieces...Lindalee E-mail replies

Antique Questions Forum / dinnersplates prior to WWI need pattern name
« on: November 14, 2006, 07:47:35 am »
I have dinnerplates marked with the old way of spelling Czechoslovakia and Bohemia. Prior to WWI Czechoslovakia was spelled Czecho-Slowakia ( It's spelled like that on my husbands Grandmothers birth certificate. She said it was changed after the war and Bohemia became part of Austria. So these plates are probably from the last century. They are in good condition only have scratch marks where knives were used to cut meat.I have a curato working on them but I'm anxious to know more like the time era, pattern, value doesn't matter the curator will do that. The plates are pretty with orchid/purple colored large Iris's all over except center. Backs say BOHEMIA and below CZECHO-SLAWAKIA.I have several pieces of jewelery marked the same except for the bohemia. If anyone can identify pattern I would appreciate it. I got into this site because someone posted on the sites listed for antiques about china marked CZECHO-SLOWAKIA and maybe this will help them to know the history of the change in spelling. On old maps it's spelled like that. She has some antique  valuble pieces and should submit to m and they will have a curator delve into the past. It takes awhile. Replacements LTD is one of the best and biggest ,over 200.00o patterns china replacement companies, they give free apppraisals and will l buy from people to sell to others. I promised them the right to purchase my plates if I sell because they'bve been so good to me helping me identify and place value on alot of china that came from storage units when fees weren't paid for 5 years.I've sold some to them and they give fair prices not entire value they have to make profit as deaker.I won't sell on E-bay they pay better. hope I helped the person with the rare pieces...Lindalee E-mail replies

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