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Messages - Hachie12

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: help identify this object
« on: January 04, 2012, 08:15:26 pm »
Thanks, Sapphire!

It definitely looks like the washtub you posted. The only thing that is kind of peculiar is that the inside part under the lid doesn't extend to the bottom of the piece, making it more of a desk. It might have been modified but I think you're probably right.

Any idea when it might have been built?

Thanks again.

Antique Questions Forum / help identify this object
« on: January 04, 2012, 07:53:36 pm »
Hello all,
I recently acquired this table/desk/I don't know what from a friend's wife. She was going to throw it away but I thought it looked pretty interesting so I asked if I could keep it. But I have no idea what it is or where it comes from. Here are some pictures. I hope someone can help shed some light on this mystery object. The kidney bean looking piece on one of the side views actually turns, if that is of any help. I think it might have been a sewing machine but I have no way of knowing.

Thanks for all and any help.

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