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Messages - btcomp

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Antique Questions Forum / Antiuque Coffee Grinder
« on: August 02, 2022, 04:50:36 am »
A friend & I are renting two spaces on Saturday. I have a few antique items to add to the sale. But I'm not sure how to price them.

This coffee grinder my dad had, may have been my grandparents. But it is painted white.

Any ideas of a good price to post? I'm thinking that it isn't very valuable especially since it has white paint.

I have been thinking about my grandfather's two chests. He was a craftsman, worked at the very early Fisher Body in Detroit, also made an altar for a local church in Freesoil/Manistee Michigan area, where my grandmother (his wife) came from. My grandfather was born in 1876, (I have his baptismal papers from then, beautiful, with color seal & looks like it might have printed just a few years ago). My dad always kept his dad's chests. Most of the tools he used are inside the two chests, (though dad had put a few in during the 1960s). I never met my grandfather as he passed away from hernia surgery in 1935.

I have several pictures of both chests. I don't know what they are worth. I did find blueprints for a home in Detroit, that I took out, not sure it was one of his residences or perhaps a home he may have worked on for someone else.

But here are a few pictures. I will post four from the first, smaller chest & the next thread will be from the second chest. I would be interested in what they might be worth & where I could sell them.

Antique Questions Forum / I have 400 Radio/TV vacuum tubes
« on: July 12, 2016, 01:09:08 pm »
I have probably about 400 radio & tv vacuum tubes. I bought many from a former tv/radio guy years ago, and they have been just collecting dust, so a neighbor said they are worth money. So I thought that maybe he is right & I should find people looking for them. Unfortunately I know longer own a tube checker. Many, probably most are in good condition & some are new as said on the boxes. Most are in Standard Tube boxes with the tube numbers on the box as well as the vacuum tube.

Now I have created a database to enter tube number, condition, manufacturer (I have from GE, Motorola, Curtis Mathis, Raytheon, Cornell, Delta...

Since some people on this forum collect or have antique radios, I thought maybe a good place to get some ideas for me to sell. I see that there are dealers that ask you to send them a list of what you have, so that is part of my reason to put them all in a database. (Some of my tubes I can't read the manufacturer, though I can usuall make out the tube # which usually agrees with the box.

I am wondering if I should advertise the ones I have online & then just let people contact me. Of course I have a handicap in not having a tube checker, I sold mine many years ago, a big mistake. I am finding many of my tubes are 2 to 5 dollars online with a few so far being 15 to 30 dollars. I haven't come across any real rare ones, but I have only entered 125 into the database. I am finding that I have many duplicates of common type tubes.

Here is one picture of the ones I entered this morning.   

I have an old National High Frequency Receiver Type HRO-STA1. It has four coils and a box to put three in while putting the fourth one in the receiver. I did actually use it 20 years ago, and it worked either as a short-wave receiver from about 160 meters to 10 meters or 1.5 to 30 Megacycles. An adjustment made it work on the amateur bands and you could listen to USB or LSB amateurs or perhaps even CBers.

But one of the coils is damaged and the receiver has some damage from storage in my barn.

I am thinking of selling it in whole or parts. I am wondering where to post this? I see the coils themselves go for 50 to 100 dollars as they are rare, at least the original old ones are. I usually post on Craigslist, but am thinking an antique market the best or EBay.

I have 8 pix, so will put the second set on the next reply.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Imperial Violin Amati
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:03:44 pm »
Thanks Mart & Fancy Pants. I did check the bow, it said Saxon. I have been going through old letters & once in a while come across some I haven't read before. Lots of old pictures too.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Imperial Violin Amati
« on: March 30, 2015, 08:35:17 pm »
Fancy Pants, Thanks. I don't have a fiber optic light to look. May have to look into Harbor Freight maybe.

I am thinking my grandfather's violin may be a Wilhelm Duerer version from 1895 or early 1900s. I sure do want to find out. I don't know much about my grandfather, he died in 1935 from a strangulated hernia, he wouldn't get repaired, because he didn't want to go into debt to pay. My dad and uncle tried to get him to have surgery, and both had felt bad years afterward. I know that it was only my grandfather's fault he didn't have the surgery, though I can understand not wanting to give his family debt.

I know my grandfather must have liked boxing matches. Some 1920s newspaper articles I found, and still have are cutouts of boxing events of the popular boxers of the time.

I have two chests of my grandfathers, my dad never would part with these. They were heavy to move, but they contain some of his craftsmen tools he used at Fisher Body, he was one of the craftsmen for these men, before they became the design team for General Motors.

I have not found any writings that my grandfather wrote, just of him. Maybe one day I will come across something.

Another thing is my uncle was a very fast shorthand reporter, in the army, and many notes that he wrote of the family are in short-hand though he would either write, type or even tape-record his shorthand later. I have much of that, but I don't know the language. I have books, but I need an extension on my life to spend the time on this great language of note-taking.

Pictures are of my grandfather's baptism paper I have, great shape from 1876 & the Fisher Body Craftmen shop, I have John Tomaszewski circled in red.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Imperial Violin Amati
« on: March 29, 2015, 06:00:46 pm »
Thanks KC. I looked inside and can't see any writing. Thanks for the link. I see why the bow string disintegrated. I would definitely look into a cheap case replacement. My guitar case has the same problem, I guess warmth & humidity does a number on them. I will probably have to have someone take a look at it.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Imperial Violin Amati
« on: March 29, 2015, 04:11:06 pm »
Here is a picture of the case, and some of the music.

Antique Questions Forum / Imperial Violin Amati
« on: March 29, 2015, 04:09:17 pm »
My grandfather, born in Poland-Austria (1876) died in 1935, played a violin. I remember dad, uncle & aunt telling. When my dad passed away, I brought the violin back. It's an Imperial Violin Amati. I am not sure the year, but the music is copyright from 1923. I am thinking maybe very early 1900s. It's not in the greatest shape, but would be playable, if the broken string were replaced. I am just wondering what's its worth. The song that he was working on is the Danube Waves Waltz, which I listened to on YouTube, which is quite familiar & I liked. The song book is some Polish waltzes.  :)

Thanks Mart, I have used this before, but have forgotten. Might be easier to sell this book on EBay anyway. With Craigslist you have to know where the market is and you are only supposed to sell in one location at a time, which is unfortunate.

Here is one of the links I had found. Granted it is an earlier edition. Well I may just put it up for 100 dollars on Craigslist and leave it there a while.  :)

Mine has the Michigan State Auto School Detroit, Michigan, so it must be a school edition too? I also have to check the 1910, 1920 censuses to see where my grandfather lived. I have looked at before, but never paid attention to the street number. My dad was born at 6518 Mitchell & my grandfather's book shows him living at 944 Mitchell Ave? I will have to Google Earth them both! If either place was still standing I would drive down and take pictures. I was born in the home they moved to on a Filer Avenue in Detroit.

BTW I have my grandfather, who was a Tomaszewski, as was my dad. My dad changed his name to Thomas in 1941. I am not sure when/if my grandfather changed his. Both my grandmother (died 1976 & my grandfather) are buried in Romeo, Michigan north of Detroit, and the family had the name Tomaszewski as their last names. I have John Tomaszewski's birth certificate, though Polish he was born in then called Austria.

The one Rauville listed looks identical to mine. And the EBayer is from Detroit, which is the same of my grandfather. My cover is darker blue, BUT I also have a picture with the bright blue color the EBayer has. It's just the light that struck the book, so I retook the picture to get the true color. By the way, my grandfather worked as a craftsman for the Fisher Brothers, that became Fisher Body. I have a picture of him in the shop. I have some of his old tools in two large chests. My dad never would part with them, because they were his dads. He never used the tools in them. I'm not sure what to do with them. But I am thinking that I may end up just letting them go to the museum of my choice. My main thing is to look for some other things to sell, as I have to raise some money before a new job starts in next month, I hope! You can see magazines I posted a year ago, I have tried to sell. I have hundreds of them, most in great condition.

I will have to try and find the pages I bookmarked that showed much higher. But it may be it's not as much. I wonder if this seller had any problem selling it? He may have had it priced much lower than it's worth! If it's only 25 dollars, I will hang onto. Thanks Rauville. ;-)

Here is one more page, the book information.

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