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Messages - jmajjfrank

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How interesting! My sister swore it was Victorian.  It is a very dark finish/coating.  I wonder if I would ruin it or if the piecing would show if I had it refinished..  Based on you saying it was pieced together I'm betting it's not worth much..  Thanks for the info!

My Mom bought this set 1951 from a neighbor for $55.    Lots of carving on this set as you can tell.  I have looked all over for anything like it and cannot come close.  I inherited it from my Mom and am going to move it to NC and have it refinished.  Thoughts?  All of us kids were terrified of it as children as we thought the carvings looked like scary faces!!!  I just would like to know when/where it was made and if it's worth anything other than sentimental value. My sister is FREAKING out that I'm going to refinish it as I may "ruin the value".  But the value is sentimental!!!

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