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Messages - daverinme

Pages: [1]
"early-day e-mails" - I had not thought of it that way but that is exactly what they are isn't it. How perceptive of you fancy pants and I am glad that you enjoyed them. Wow, we have come a long way haven't we?

I am glad you enjoyed them also mart. Here are the last 3. I figured I may as well put them all on here for anyone who might enjoy viewing them.

Interesting sidenote : When I took the multi-page ones apart to scan them, I realized the staples were copper. I put the staples back in very carefully.

Thanks talesofthesevenseas . I appreciate the feedback. I just find them so interesting to read. I was only 4 years old at that time, but I had two older brothers who were in WWII. I am more interested in seeing that they don't just get lost to time rather than money. I like your suggestion and will try to follow up on it. Here are a few more of what I scanned.

My late brother-in-law had saved these. My late sister had shown them to me in the late 80's. I had forgotten about them but found them recently when going through some of her belongings. I just wondered if they had any value - as a piece of history. I have several more also.

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