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Messages - flamingocrazygirl

Pages: [1]
I've purchased my first piece of furniture that I'm gonna "try" to refinish! I'd love to know more about this piece as the seller knew nothing : (. I'm gonna do my best to post some pictures but it may take me a while to figure it out. Til then, I'll tell you a bit about it. It's some sort of chest of drawers, the top half has doors with real keyhole that open to 3 drawers. The 1st drawer is divided into 3 sections. The next 2 have no dividers. The bottom half also has 3 drawers in which the top one is has 3 sections as well, the last 2, no dividers.

Does anyone know what this should be called? and possibly what era?

Any & all help is much appreciated! Thanks bunches : )

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