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Messages - leamanda

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / "Double Cross" wooden board game
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:46:06 pm »
Hello Friends,

I am new to this forum, and am looking for a particular piece, although I am not sure if it is an antique game, or not.

The name of the game is "Double Cross" or "Double Kross".  It is played with 3 to 8 players and involves rolling dice, betting coins, moving pegs on a wooden board based on the dice rolls, and a standard deck of playing cards (sometimes 2 decks, depending on how many players there are).

I played this game about a year ago with some former coworkers.  Since leaving the work force due to having a child, I've lost contact with many of those coworkers, including the person who owned the game.  He was a older gentleman, probably close to 65. He said he'd had the game "for years and years" and that the game was popular back in the Wisconsin area, where he was originally from.  He also said it'd probably be hard to find since it was a regional game, and it was so "old."

I have "Googled" for this so many times, and can find nothing on it.  Is there anyone here who is familiar with it, or know where why I might find the board and set of pegs?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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