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Messages - AllisonA

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / A.C. Norquist Chest on Chest
« on: March 19, 2012, 06:07:59 pm »
Hi, I am new to this board..
I am looking for some pricing info on a few items for my mom.  Have tried many google searches, as well as ebay and craigs list.
Have found history of the company, but still not sure what to price this item at.
Any help would be appreciated.  I have included a photo of the item (good condition, but wood appears dry) as well as a picture of the label.  Was my Aunts' piece.
Thank You for any help you can offer.  An original posting of it on Craigs list has started a lot of buzz.
AC Norquist Chest on Chest

Pages: [1]