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Messages - Stan519

Pages: [1]
Hello all.  I grabbed a bag of about 14 commemorative spoons at a garage sale on Saturday, pretty even split between normal and silverplate, but there is one in there that caught my eye, and I think it's sterling, but the stamp is quite faded and I can't quite make it out.  If anybody with a better eye than I have can let me know about the stamp, it would be appreciated.

Also, I'm new here, and I apologize if this is in bad form, but if anybody reading this knows about NAO figurines could check out my other topic ( ) and give any advice there, it would be appreciated as well.

Thanks all for your time.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Help identifying NAO figurine
« on: April 19, 2012, 12:21:18 am »
Thanks for the reply.  I have checked both those sites, with no luck.  It was actually the 2nd where I found the info about the history of the stamp ( ).  Before I found that I was starting to think it wasn't a legit NAO because I couldn't find anything with the stamp pressed into the porcelain.

Antique Questions Forum / Help identifying NAO figurine
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:29:28 pm »
Hello everybody.  I recently picked up this figurine at an auction, and have done everything I can to try to identify it, with no luck at all.  I've spent hours looking through pictures on several sites, and even emailed the person running a couple sites and received no response.  I would be so very grateful if somebody here could help me out on this.  I have a couple pictures of it, including the stamp on the bottom (those stains were already there when I got it, and I have no idea how somebody spills something on the bottom of a figurine like that).  In my research I did find that it was only at the start of the company that they impressed the stamp into the bottom, until they switched to the coloured ink stamp with the picture of the boat.  In all my time on ebay I couldn't even find any other ones with the stamp like mine.  But by this point I have no idea if it's just a fake, or I hit the jackpot with a very rare piece.  Any and all information or help would be VERY appreciated!  Thanks in advance!

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