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Messages - Kefka

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the replies Fancy and Mart.

I'm a few steps closer now to closing the book on this one, wrapping up all my facts I've learned about it and ready to move onto the next thing. You guys have been very helpful, I'll see what else I have that might fit the criteria of this forum. Thanks again!

Hi all,

First time posting here, looking for some help on Identifying more information about a plate I found in my mothers attic recently. I have discerned a decent amount of facts via googling marks and other identifying things on the plate, but am still pretty stumped on a price point and if there are others like this one.

Onto the good stuff:

The bottom of the plate says "Bourbon Busset"
And the back middle says Faience De Vichy - V Ameline.

From what it seems, the picture on the plate is a painted version of:

Now the plate itself:



The pictures are not of the best quality, I took them with my phone. If anyone could help me further in my search about this piece, I'd be much obliged. I'm more of a coin and sports memorabilia collector, so things such as this are pretty much out of my zone of common knowledge, but when I become determined to learn all I can about an item, I don't hold back.

Also, I might note this was purchased by my grandfather who passed away some time ago, and my father passed away 2 years ago, so there isn't anyone I can ask the usual "why, who, where" questions about the purchase. All my mother could tell me was that my Grandfather on my fathers side was the purchaser.

Here is what I've learned so far:

  • Faience is a type pottery
  • V. Ameline is Victor Ameline who hand painted these plates at a factory in Sevres, France.
  • Ameline was associated primarily with the Clairefontaine Faience Factory and later the Longchamps Majolica Factory

And that's about it. In this day and age I expected to punch in the name on the plate and be blasted with millions of results and everything I ever needed to know right at my fingertips, but it wasn't the case this time. Sorry writing so much, and thanks in advance!

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