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Messages - maggiew

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / What is this desk?
« on: May 29, 2012, 10:52:44 pm »
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and was hoping someone would recognize the desk I just purchased! I am in college and starting to purchase my first pieces of furniture. I love antiques and hope to furnish my home with many one day. I am very excited about my first big buy!

The woman I bought this from says she purchased it in 1957 for $55 in Chicago. At the time, the antique shop said it was about 75 years old. There are no markings on the desk anywhere that indicate a manufacturer except for a metal tab nailed on with the name "Geo. L. Sprafka." I do not know if this is the maker of the desk or the person who owned it. I attached a picture of it to this post.

Has anyone seen a version of this desk before? I would love to know the details about when it was made and what it's value is. I can look at it to verify any of the details.

Thank you so much!


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