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Messages - timorous

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Thanks for the info. The woman just left with it. It's sad I couldn't keep it, it really was beautiful, but my new place is so small that there's just not room for furniture that doesn't have a specific purpose.

It's strange to me that antiques like this can have so little value to people. I mean, the old lady who picked it up tried to haggle with me and eventually we agreed on 85 bucks. That's about a tank of gas in the SUV she drove away in. How can something that's survived maybe as much as 100 years, and is likely older than any person alive, still has the original key, be worth less than a tank of gas. Now, don't get me wrong, I personally paid 150 for it on Craigslist myself, and I expected it to be worth around that much. It's just odd to me what value people assign to things.

Who stripped it ??  These were made from about 1890 through the early 30`s with small differences in style !! Considered country furniture, most of these are oak and stained a honey golden color !! Hence the name Golden Oak !!  This one was not well done,, grain can hardly be seen and it should really be what catches your eye !!  In its current condition value is about $75. to $100.  Good that you have a key,, that helps !!

Thanks for the reply. I listed it at 85 and got an offer for 100, so I guess I'll take that. I don't know who stripped it, honestly. I didn't even know it had been stripped. Really, I know nothing at all about antiques. I'd love to learn more, though.

I'm always astounded at how much knowledge people have about antiques. Like, for example, how did you know that these had been made during that time period? Was this a piece of "manufactured" furniture, by a specific company? There are no marks anywhere, no labels, no plaques. There's nothing to trace it to a specific company.

Anyhow, thanks so much for the reply. I'm glad to know I'm exchanging it for a fair price.

Please excuse my ignorance. I have a pretty old blonde wood vanity. It's obviously very old, but in great shape. It still has the original key, and the drawers all lock nicely. Attached are a few pictures. I was gonna sell it on craiglist and I'd appreciate the help of this wonderful forum in not getting ripped off, or vice versa.


- Tim

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