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Messages - Rocketdog

Pages: [1]
Thanks!  Great information and has shed some light on my catalogue.  I now have some sort of clue as to where to start.

I am looking for some sort of reference to be able to put a price on it.  It just stumps me so that I can't find any reference to help price it so I was hoping someone with more expertise than I could shed some light.  I know everything is worth what someone pays but I would like to have an idea of a starting point on this one.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: How Old the Rabbit Mold?
« on: June 04, 2012, 04:32:32 pm »
Frogpatch, you must be familiar with Vermont.  That is exactly how we eat it and some even heat it up!

Very nice puffy lamps.  I was wondering the same thing that they might be later lamps as I didn't see them in my catalogue.  The illustrations in this catalogue are remarkable and a great source of reference, I just wish I could find some info on it.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Worlds Biggest Table Lamp?
« on: June 04, 2012, 04:00:47 pm »
Wow!  Gives a new meaning to the word colossal.

Thank you Frogpatch!

I took some more pictures of various pages.  I don't see the type of puffy lamp your refer to but took pictures of the type of lamps offered in this catalogue.  I just can't imagine that I can not find any type of reference to this particular catalogue.  I have found individual pages from later catalogues but nothing any where near this complete. 

It's got me stumped!

Antique Questions Forum / Re: what is this?
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:38:06 am »
Yep!  Slide it up under the shingles tap it to the left or the right and rip the shingle nails out.  Back in the old days all you needed to shingle a roof was that tool and a hatchet.  The top end of the handle where the blade meets the handle should show signs of being hammered.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: what is this?
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:16:14 am »
Try looking up antique ceder shingle nail puller.  I believe that is what is called. 

Hello, I have been searching and searching for any information about a catalogue I recently picked up but I am unable to find any reference to it what so ever.

It is a complete original 1889 Pairpoint Manufacturing Co. catalogue and price guide.  The prints in the book are fantastic and the condition is in my opinion very good for it's age and original intended usage.  It contains 206 pages along with a price guide.

As I said above I have been researching for days but can not come up with anything even close to it.  Any help or ideas would be beyond appreciative!

Thank you and have a great day!

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