Hello Everyone-
The reason for my post today is to hopefully get an "appraisal" or information on a wooden candle holder. I acquired this piece several years ago and never got very far in approximating its age. Perhaps someone who appraises antique wood furniture might have the expertise and knowledge to determine the age of the wood based on the pictures I provided.
I don't know all the details that go into appraising an old piece of furniture, but I'm guessing that the same method could possibly be applied to this item because its constructed from wood. Judging by its appearance, my personal opinion is that it could be an antique- the wood looks very weathered and and the corners are rounded- there are nails that appear to be made by hand- speckles of paint on the grip which leads me to believe it might have been used to paint the interior of a room before electric light was available- are just a few things that stand out.
Anyway- I've always been intrigued by this candle holder which looks like something from the turn of the century or older, and any information that anyone can add would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance- if you guys have any questions feel free to ask.