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Messages - Kat

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Need help identifying wool blanket
« on: June 24, 2012, 07:16:44 pm »
Yes.  The design is on both. They are very heavy weight and I know they are least 60-70 years and in perfect condition.Would love to know origin and value.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Need help identifying wool blanket
« on: June 24, 2012, 06:26:19 pm »
I attached the IMG link and don't know what else to do to make my picture show up. Any suggestions?

Antique Questions Forum / Need help identifying wool blanket
« on: June 23, 2012, 10:08:18 pm »
My grandparents gave me two wool blankets and I never asked their origin.  They appear to be wool, heavy-weight, and are approximately 4x6. No markings or labels. Any help or resource would be appreciated to help me identify. This is my first posting so I'm hoping I have correctly attached my photo.  

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