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Messages - xmelax38

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I had to bring up my old thread, because I had to tell you something. I am kind of shocked. Remember how I basically said my husband told me I'd never pry the brass cash register (pic above) out of his hands? Well looks like he had a change of mind and we are going to list it local here on a selling group for our city. I know that these can sell on the high end of up to $1200 to $1300 but do you think it would be too much if we sell at $600 or $700? Its fully functioning. We are hoping to sell by the end of the weekend on there. The pics are still above.  :)

Ha ha. He loves this cash register, although when people come over, he told me that well everything is for sale, lol. I said well sure it is. There are some things I could never pry out of his hands. Some I could.  We are over crowded with items and I hope he gets rid of some soon, esp with all of the new buying of antiques and vintage items he has been buying lately. I am afraid of becoming like hoarders one day, ha ha. Oh I love antiques, but his obsession is worse than mine.

Side and other front view of the item he finally brought upstairs that I love. Plus he brought up a few pieces of his Erickson Glass Collection. I didn't post those pics.

So true! There are a lot of things he has in a closet that he's not willing to let go of. I told him if he doesn't want to let go, sit them out to enjoy at least, ha ha. They just collect dust. :( He finally brought a few things up to the living room to enjoy. Here is one that I like a lot!! I just noticed the photos came out sideways, ha ha.

That's interesting. Thank you for helping me with this. :)

You would not believe all the stuff my husband has. He's a hoarder, ha ha! At least it's in the basement. Everything from antiques, vintage and newer stuff. The man goes to Auctions & Antique Stores. Don't get me wrong, I love that stuff too, but I don't hoard, ha ha.

Here's another interesting thing. There are these little holes, that are far from perfect around it. Some made the hole and others it appears missed.

Thank you for the warm welcomes back. :). It's pretty pressed in there and that's what I was wondering to it may have been used as one. I really never thought of that either.  Pics of the inside of it. You both bring in some very good things to ponder on. It helps. :)

No it's not heavy, it's just a thin metal than its been pressed into it, it looks like. My husband said watch it'll probably be something made 10 years ago, ha ha.

Thank you! It's been awhile. :) It is about 11 1/2".

One last pic. This is the edge of it. Oh and by the way there are no markings on it as far as letters or anything else.

Another pic. This is the back of it.

I hope this works. This is the 1st time I've loaded pictures from the phone on here. I don't know what this is and I don't know how to begin looking online for anything similar. It is some kind of metal that's all I can say about it, ha ha. When my husband bought it at an auction, he said that the auctioneer didn't know what it was either. The auctioneer just thought it was possibly something from the roman era or Victorian era. That's a big jump in era's. I am sure it's not that old. I just don't know where to begin when trying to look it up. More photos in comments probably.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: It's been awhile! Hi! Rare Book Question:)
« on: January 15, 2015, 09:04:40 pm »
After all of that, I just found it after a ton more searching. It is not as rare as I thought & not worth much. I found it on a book site that listed it at 25.00. Well so much for hoping I had something good for once, ha ha.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: It's been awhile! Hi! Rare Book Question:)
« on: January 15, 2015, 08:50:27 pm »
P.s. I sent a message to Adrian Greenwood. Thank you for the information.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: It's been awhile! Hi! Rare Book Question:)
« on: January 15, 2015, 08:37:21 pm »
Hi! Thank you!

The book is actually 1841 when it was entered into the library of Congress. The actual publishing date is 1844 it is a first edition. I was able to find that much information about it, but that is all. Which also makes me wonder if after it was entered into the Library of Congress, if that is when they added those additional pages into it before a final publishing. :)

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