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Messages - jo_m

Pages: [1]
Hi all. My grandmother's illness has prompted her to bestow a ton of her antique silverware and china on us relatives; My mother received some and wanted to know the value and history of it. I think these originally belonged to my great-grandmother. I hope my photographs aren't too big...  Sorry for the massive amounts of editing this post but I thought it'd be best to mention that my nan lives in New Zealand, and these pieces are most likely British.

(I will get on to pictures of the actual spoons; my mum has packed them away for the moment.)
So we have spoon #1's hallmark

Spoon #2


Plate's Stamp


Chintz bowl pattern - We had a feeling this was a Doulton, for some reason.

Bowl's stamp and a marking (by the artist? I'm in unfamiliar territory here.) I've just noticed that the word 'Chintz' has been cut off, but it is there above the lion.

All help is greatly appreciated. Thank you! :)

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