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Messages - Dittani

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Stomps-Burkhardt spindle back dining chairs
« on: January 19, 2007, 11:41:42 am »
Unfortunately, they're at a friend's house right now. I will attempt to get a picture soon, but I don't know when i'll be able to. Sorry!

Antique Questions Forum / Stomps-Burkhardt spindle back dining chairs
« on: January 19, 2007, 09:53:30 am »
I'm dearly hoping that someone here could possibly help me. I have in my posession 4 Stomps-Burkhardt dining room chairs that i've never heard or seen referenced anywhere before. I've researched into the company and found out as much (or as little, depending on your outlook...) that is available about the manufacturers. I've heard plenty of people talking about chairs with the North Wind and lions carved into them, but nothing that would remotely resemble these.

I am by no means trained in antiques so this is all guesswork based on assumption:
They are very simple dining chairs, probably made of oak (perhaps quater-sawn), featuring numerous thin spindles stretching vertically across the back. The top of the chair has what appears to be a Grecian shell-like design (again, purely assumption and untrained interpretation), and the legs have no cross-bar between them. The legs are square and tapered until about 3.5" above the ground, where they flare out and return to a taper to create a foot of sorts. The seat has a smallish leather pad attached with brass hobnails, and the original horsehair pad underneath. The underside of the seat frame has the Stomps-Burkhardt Co sticker, but the number is unreadable.

If anyone could offer any information, or even an approximate value for these chairs, I would be eternally grateful!
This is such an illusive company! Thank you!

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