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Messages - Oldat26

Pages: [1]
Antique Questions Forum / Re: Need help with old book!
« on: July 16, 2012, 05:22:30 am »
I am not making this up when I tell you that about two years ago, I actually tried to sell one volume from that same set for a client. Mine was in terrible condition and I don't think it even sold. My memory's fuzzy on the details.

Book prices are down right now. The spine is damaged, the title page shows water damage, and I'm going to guess that you will find mildew on some of the pages as well. Judging from the letters on the spine, I'm guessing it was a library book. It's not worth much I'm afraid. Being an incomplete part of the set, you would have to find a buyer missing that exact volume, and hope that the rest of the set is in similar condition.

Hi Rockandrollrods, The spine is damaged and looks like it was repaired before, theres a page from another book inside it...

Them spots on the picture above is as bad as it gets, theres no mildew on any of the pages...

As for price, I did'nt think it was worth anything its just that its a 170 years old book and couldent find anything about it. Also the miss spelling of shakespear is throughout the book so I just thought it was interesting.

I got it from a movie set, The Tudors I think from when I was working in film production. It was getting binned and it seemed a shame to see a book that old meet its end in a land fill.

Thanks for the info.

Antique Questions Forum / Re: Need help with old book!
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:29:20 pm »
Can you post pics please ?? Need to see the book, front and binding as well as the page that has publishing info !!

Hope this helps.

Antique Questions Forum / Need help with old book!
« on: July 15, 2012, 03:22:35 pm »
Hi all,

I have a book a few years now and its been sitting in a box on top of the press, but today I seen it and thought I see can I find out about it...

It's called " SHAKSPEARS PLAYS VOL.VIII " and thats not my spelling mistake, its how it's spelt on the book, Its missing the E from Shakespears...

If anyone can help me out, Its a green hard back thats got some embossed flower design's

the date on it is MDCCCXLI (1841)........

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